Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Tryptopahan is one of the 20 essential amino acids that are essential to the human diet. Tryptophan is a component of many different kinds of food, including cheddar cheese, milk, and potatoes. But as many people might know, it's also in turkey. So have a happy thanksgiving and get fat and happy!


Julia said...

So that's why everyone gets tired after lunch. It's not just the turkey!

Zach said...

TRYPTOPHAN!!!!! Great idea for the time of year. I'm interested to see why it makes people tired...hmmm....

Amanda's Chem Blog said...

I have always been interested in finding out why tryptophan makes people tired! It is a great idea since its almost Thanksgiving! you are very seasonal! Great idea!

McLovin said...

i always fall asleep from too much tryptophan